Northeast Lakeview College and Bezos Academy Bring Tuition-Free Preschool to Campus

May 2, 2023

Northeast Lakeview College to be a host site for Bezos Academy preschool, expected to begin welcoming students in 2024

Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) is proud to announce that it has partnered with Bezos Academy to open a tuition-free, Montessori-style preschool on NLC’s campus. This is the first Bezos Academy preschool planned for northeast Bexar County and the greater San Antonio area.

The Bezos Academy preschool will follow a full-day, year-round schedule. Bezos Academy will cover operating expenses for the preschool programs at no cost to the families being served, while providing everything that the children need during the day, including meals. NLC will provide Bezos Academy an initial 10-year lease for the use of 6,119 sf in its Wellness Center (located at 1201 Kitty Hawk Road), providing classroom and kitchen space for the preschool.

“Bezos Academy will create wrap-around systems that support underserved families’ need for childcare in the area,” says Dr. Veronica Garcia, NLC President. “We are grateful for the partnership with Bezos Academy as we invest in the children of our community working towards our shared commitment of transforming lives one child at a time.”

“Bezos Academy is thrilled to partner with Northeast Lakeview College to bring tuition-free preschool to San Antonio,” said Mike George, President of Bezos Academy. “For too many kids and their families, preschool isn’t an option due to cost or because there simply isn’t enough availability. We’re excited to have the opportunity to serve the students, staff, and surrounding community members.” 

The school is slated to open in late 2024, following renovations that Bezos Academy will make to the building. Families earning up to 400% of the federal poverty level with children aged 3-4 are eligible to apply. That includes families of four earning up to $120,000/year. Bezos Academy provides admissions preference to children experiencing homelessness or in foster care. More information and an application to the lottery-based selection process will be posted at once the school opening date is set.  

About Northeast Lakeview College

Northeast Lakeview College, established in 2007, is one of the five colleges in the Alamo Colleges District. A center for educational excellence, Northeast Lakeview College combines innovative instruction with hands-on experience to provide exemplary enrichment opportunities for students and the community. Northeast Lakeview College serves more than 6,900 students from northeast San Antonio and surrounding communities – including Bexar, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties. 

About Bezos Academy

Bezos Academy is a non-profit organization that is building a network of tuition-free preschools. Our preschools offer year-round, full-day programming, five days a week, for children ages 3-5 years old from low-income families. Bezos Academy also provides students with all necessary educational supplies and services to set each student up for success, including Montessori materials, books, arts and crafts, field trips, and meals. For more information, visit    


Contact: Kathleen Labus, Director of Marketing & Strategic Communications 
210-854-8878 (c)
210-486-5470 (o) |


Katie Ford, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Bezos Academy 
206-705-7834 (o) |